3rd Grade

In 3rd Grade Religion students learn about Christian life, the Old and New Testament, the Seven Sacraments, Liturgical Seasons and Feasts, and service. In Language Arts, students  read grade level fiction and nonfiction independently and focus on comprehension.  Their writing skills are more refined and they can write in paragraphs, with proper grammar and punctuations. In Math, students start solving problems with bigger whole numbers, decimal numbers, fractions and monetary problems. In Science, students focus how objects can be observed and measured, on how energy and matter have multiple forms, on the physical structure or behavior may improve an organism’s chance of survival, on how the sky moves in regular and predictable patterns and finally investigation and experimentation, and on asking meaningful and conducting careful investigations. Social Studies involves getting students familiar with physical and cultural landscape of California, including the study of American Indians, the subsequent arrival of immigrants and the impact they have had in forming the character of our contemporary society.